
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday 19 June 2012

A route to PhD (cont.)

Alhamdulillah..finally I've received an unconditional offer letter from UQ Graduate School, University of Queensland, Australia. Shukran Jazaka Allahhu Khairan Kasiiran. Why QU was my choice. There are few reasons:
1) Manage to get a good supervisor.
2) One of the established schools - School of Journalism and Communication
3) Among the top 50 universities in the World ranking.

Queensland University
4) One of the peaceful countries in the World.
5) Not that far from Malaysia.
6) Not that high currency exchange.
7) Many others.

So now, I'm waiting the final decision from KPT - hope to receive good news. May Allah Bless my journey - A route to PhD. Insya-Allah.

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