
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday 17 May 2012

A route to Phd

When I checked my email this morning, I received an email regarding 'school recommendation for admission to the PhD program' with a proposed commencing date of 2 October 2012. Syukran ya Allah.Sempat lagila sambut puasa dan raya with families at my hometown. After this, beraya di perantauan la jawabnya. Insya-Allah kena kuatkan semangat untuk teruskan perjuangan mengejar cita-cita, impian dan harapan.

UQ Graduate School

Now, I have to patiently wait for the offer letter that will be issued by the UQ Graduate School. It may take about 3-6 weeks. patient with yourself.

Actually, I've been already accepted to UNSW, but I'm still considering other universities for several reasons. I need to have back-up universities since I have another big thing to do after receiving the offer. Proceed the SLAB/SLAI application to MOHE. So the final say will be from them.

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