
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Genap sebulan di UPSI..

Hari ni (5/10/11) genaplah sebulan aku di UPSI..banyak perkara yang telah dipelajari tentang ragam pelajar dan kakitangan (tak banyak masalah dgn students), perkara yang remeh temeh dan begitu berharganya masa especially those like me who are staying far from a workplace. Everyday I spend 2 hours ++ on the road.

Dalam tempoh sebulan ni sepatutnya aku dah buat byk preparation untuk further study..but sadly to say I'm quite busy with classes and other academic things. Hope by end of this month I would be able to attend SLAB interview.

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