
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Permohonan pengajian ke US & UK

Alhamdulillah..dah selesai satu perkara.Permohonan untuk melanjutkan PhD telah dibuat. Now, it's time to wait whether my rezeki is in US, UK or Malaysia. Apapun ketentuan-Nya kita sebagai manusia hanya merancang dan Allah yang menentukan. Usaha pun sudah selebihnya hanya bertawakal. I'm not really put high hope this time because I don't want to get frustrated  as I've applied to Leeds University before.Quite sad when the application was unsuccessful due to lack of expertise of my area of study.

So this time I learn, be more patient..concentrate on my work.. having fun this weekend as my marriage life is approaching 5 years..will be celebrating our 5th anniversary at Genting. Hehee..selingan.

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